Gabriella Kokas
I have been practicing this meditation for more than 3 months, and I am more than happy to share my experience with those who are interested. The reason why I started this meditation was mainly because throughout my whole life, I had been searching for something that we can call everlasting, permanent happiness or peace of mind. I was searching for answers to so many questions regarding life, but was never satisfied with any of the answers because there was always a new way of seeing things and none of the methods I tried gave me satisfaction. I was constantly trying to find out who I truly am and found myself always conflicting with my inner self.
When I started Level 1, I was in a very difficult situation facing many problems in literally all areas of my life. I had moved to Singapore not long before I joined this meditation trying to establish and settle myself down, while searching for a job. Sometimes, I even had difficulty paying for housing. On top of this, I had so many worries, so much anxiety mostly about trivial things that seemed so big at the time. Meeting Robin, one of the meditation guides, for the first time made a really lasting impression on me. While chatting with her, what I immediately noticed was that she was totally at ease, radiating peacefulness, harmony, confidence and something that I could not explain at that time, but now know that it is permanent wisdom, something that is true. I started this meditation without too much thought, almost automatically. I think I was attracted to the good energy of the center in Singapore and all the people that surrounded me there. I was drawn to that place like a magnet, I just felt I had to go there and of course I wanted to achieve the same level of peace of mind that the meditation guides and the Level 7 students had.
At the initial stage, I would have never thought that this was something for me, since all my life I had been concentrating on how to gain more and more knowledge, accumulate more and more things in my mind, instead of emptying it out. Actually, I was so full of fear and negative thoughts that most of the time I felt extremely tense. I also felt that I always lacked time and was never fully satisfied with anything because every experience only gave me momentary pleasure.
At the moment, while practicing level 3, what I can truly say is that I am sure I want to accomplish this journey towards happiness, head towards completion no matter what it takes. The reason is because I immediately felt the beneficial effects of this meditation. I feel less stressed, the many worries and anxiety that I had seemed to have disappeared, I feel more peaceful and more free compared to how I was before. Sometimes, I just walk down the street feeling extremely happy and grateful for everything in my life.
I stopped thinking so much and feel more liberated from the things I never thought I could possibly become free of. I feel less of a slave to my circumstances and realized that there are certain areas of my life, such as the way I lived before, which I am not proud of. There is so much caring, loving, respectful and selfless devotion among the people that I have met here at this meditation center, that I truly feel I want to be part of it. I admire the commitment of all the meditation guides and the upper level students, who are really exceptional people and it is my utmost hope that more and more people will help and spread the news about this meditation. Furthermore, I believe one day, hopefully sooner than later, we can open a new center in Hungary to make our world more stress free and ease the tension that surrounds us in our busy everyday lives.
Now I see and understand that cleansing our minds by letting go of all the thoughts that only gives us headaches is the most important and best thing we can do to live a stress-free and more fulfilling life. I stopped chasing happiness because I know that happiness is within me and only I can create it. It is my pleasure that in one way or another, I am also able to contribute to an improved community here by cleansing my mind, thus instilling small but lasting changes in our world. I also feel that this journey can be rocky at times and requires persistence, but it was also clear to me from the very first moment I stepped foot in here that it is worth taking the time to meditate as the effects will be everlasting very soon.
more information www.meditationusa.org
Source: http://Wisdomwebzine.com