Have you ever ran a marathon for your mind? Start this year with the right mindset. Begin your marathon towards human completion.
When one has embarked on their journey to becoming Truth, it is like running a marathon. In other words, Human Completion awaits at the end of the finish line. However, the journey is not going to be a walk in the park. My father once said that for a human to become Truth, it is like trying to pick a star out of the sky. How can you pick a star out of sky? Simply put, when one has embarked on their way to Truth, one has set foot into a marathon for the mind, and the battle against the false self has commenced!
Human completion is when all of the false self- which is the life lived (karma), habits, and body have been eliminated and only the true self and the true mind exists. In other words, when one has discarded all karma, habits, and body, and when one has absolutely no self – one has changed to the infinite universe mind, which is human completion.
But while you are on your way to Truth, one will encounter hills that are high and low, obstacles that may make you fall, and even distractions that will slow you down. There is a saying that one’s worst enemy is one’s own self. Overcoming the self is like running this marathon. All you need is patience. If you just have patience, you will be able to stay on track and you will inevitably reach the finish line. Patience is one of the best weapons for warding off the false self!
All you need to do is look at the finish line and before you know it, you will already be resting in human completion. There will be times when you sit down and just want to give up. However, that critical point in the marathon, when you are at your lowest point, is when you are the closest to the finish line isn’t it? Always remember that exact critical point where you think you are at your limit, where you are exhausted and you can’t fight anymore, is the closest to the finish line.
This Buzzfeed production portrays the stages that a marathon runner goes through:
If you just push a little bit harder and fight off your false self a little longer, the false self or ego will then completely shatter and only the Truth will remain. Then you will have achieved human completion! There is nothing greater than becoming Truth. There is nothing more liberating than this. What is more liberating than becoming free from your own self and mind? In order to get to Truth, one must cleanse their mind. In other words, the era of human completion is the era of cleansing the false mind! Now is that special time. There are already 5,000 people who have finished the marathon, and countless others who are overcoming their false selves and running towards human completion. If you ask any of the thousands of people who have achieved human completion, what it is like…they will all say that there is no other heaven that can even compare to human completion. Adding that even though the race is done, they can’t help but jump up and down and dance in joy! The marathon to human completion is open to everyone, but it is your responsibility to step foot and embark on the journey. The journey of changing from the human mind to the infinite universe mind is simply done by cleansing the mind!
Source: http://wisdomwebzine.com