© 2013 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

© 2013 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

© 2006 Paramount Pictures
You might know these films: Inception, Matrix and Vanilla Sky. Many articles have already talked about what’s common between these films. But I would also like to write about the common themes between these three films with regards to our own lives. As many people already know, a common theme between the three is that life is not real but rather, a dream or a program. Man feels like he really lives in the world but he does not live in the real world. Let’s suppose that you sold your stock and became extremely rich in a dream last night. While dreaming, you were not aware that it is a dream. In the dream, the value of the stock you invested increased x100. You would be enormously happy! You yell out in excitement and happily plan for what you would do with the money, like buying a good car and giving some to your parents…in your dream. Your happiness surges, but then you suddenly wake up from the dream. Then, you realize that it was not real, after waking up from the dream. Likewise, the life we live now is a dream. Is it not? As it is right and true, it is the reason why films like Inception, Matrix and Vanilla Sky have been produced. Moreover, it has been written and spoken about a lot in Asian philosophies. Many people say the same thing. You may have thought about this yourself or heard from someone else the life we are currently living is not the reality.
It would be extremely happy news for those who are not happy and suffer from the life they are living now. Many people feel agonized and exhausted from the life they are currently living. When things do not work out as they had wished, with matters such as money, work and marriage; they get stressed out. But if they are told, “the life you live now is false and a dream”, they would carefully listen to it. If you feel the life you are living now is like a nightmare and you are hoping for a better life, please listen to me carefully. You’ll probably find something very great out of this post.
The following theory is not my theory, if you’d like to find more details about this concept, please visit www.meditationusa.org .
However, please listen carefully because what is about to be explained is very important. Since we were born, we were born with this body: eyes, nose, mouth, ears and this body. With our five senses, we see the world and take pictures of it. If you recall your hometown from your mind, your hometown is recalled in your mind as an image. If you recall going to elementary school, it is recalled from your mind, too. Not only that, please recall a math lesson at your elementary school; you would be recalling the teacher who gave you the math lesson at that time and also yourself who attended the class. You would also be able to recall the peer sitting next to you, also. You took a picture of yourself and yourself is also living in your own mind world. Furthermore, going to high school, college and work can be found in your mind as well. If you think about having breakfast this morning, you would be able to recall the place where you had breakfast and yourself having it at that time. This means you had breakfast not in the world, but within the mind of yourself; in your own mind world.
Please watch the computer screen right now. If you think about this very moment before going to sleep, you would be able to recall yourself looking at the screen,as well as what you read at that time. Right at this moment, you are also living in your mind. People mistakenly think that they are living in the real world, but they are living in their mind’s world that only they themselves have created. That’s why everyone has a different mind. The world’s population is 7 billion, but everyone in the world lives in their own mind world. That’s why everyone feels lonely and has conflicts with each other so they are unable to become one. Because people are living restrained in their own mind that they themselves have made, the life they lead is pain and stress. However, they do not know the life they live is false. They just do not know that they would be truly happy and joyful forever if they escaped from the illusionary false mind world and started living in the real world.
Let’s talk about dreaming again. Suppose that you are dreaming now. You are in a battlefield and bombs are exploding everywhere. All of your army died and you are the only survivor. You are dying and your enemy troops have just found you and captured you. You cannot escape. One of them is aiming at you with a gun. You feel extremely afraid and scared. The moment he pulls the trigger, you scream out and wake up. Although you are in cold sweat, you calm down feeling fortunate to be waking up from a dream. This is how your life is. If you believe the life you are living now is a nightmare, you would understand this more easily and understand your present life is a dream.
I will let you in on some really good news now. The method to wake up from the dream you are living in has already come out to the world. So many people have already woken up from the dream and live happily in the real world through the meditation method they used. I am also one of them. What I hope for is that people live happily forever by escaping from the their false mind world and becoming real through this meditation method since the right method has come out to the world. As you have already seen in various movies, you are not living in the real world but in a dream, the false world, and it would be good if everyone comes out from their own movie and finds their true self so that everyone can live happily and joyfully together forever.
Source: http://meditationusa.com