Hello Everyone,
As we continue to monitor the news and reports about Coronavirus (COVID-19), I am writing to provide an update on the steps San Diego Meditation is taking to help mitigate the detrimental impact of the virus as well as provide you with an update on our meditation classes for your own well-being.
According to the latest recommendations as set by the CDC, meditation has been recommended to help individuals cope at this time.
So far we have offered our meditation method only in person before the impact of this virus. We appreciate all the meditators who have meditated diligently with us thus far and continue to do so today. Despite the potentially devastating financial impact the coronavirus may cause for many, we plan to continue to keep the meditation center open in hopes that more people can join us even through this pandemic. We are prepared to take the necessary steps to make a safe and clean meditation environment for our meditators and visitors who want to come into the center.
We are aware of the problem associated with group meditation gatherings that can contribute to the spread of the virus, so we are also adding a video conferencing and phone option with the meditation guides so that people are able to mediate at home while still continuing to follow the meditation program. We are also monitoring the inflow of meditators into the center daily. Currently we are only allowing 2 people into our center at a time (one person per instructor at a time).
Online Classes
San Diego Meditation is using a video conferencing software called Zoom, to allow the meditation instructors to guide many meditators at once. Meditators will join their video conference rooms and meditate together or individually as guided by the meditation instructor. It is a simple process and each meditator will be guided on how to set up Zoom in the comfort of their own homes. Again, both individual and group meditation will be provided. In the future, we might also be including other meditation centers in Northern California, Denver, Seattle, and Vancouver for a scheduled group meditation. The video group meditation is very motivating, uplifting, and fun! Many people have mentioned it is just as good as meditating in the center, and that there is a strong sense of community and coexistence felt. Our first trial using Zoom included meditation members from many states, and the power of coexistence was simply beautiful!
What does this mean to you?
Current meditators– We strongly encourage meditators to take the online meditation classes we offer, but with the option to come into the center and take the in-person meditation classes if they are unable to take them online. You can also join at your convenience. We are not restricting online classes and you will still be able to meditate when you want with us.
First time visitors– We hope you can come to the center at least initially for the introduction and training so that we can explain about our meditation method, walk you through the meditation steps that need to be explained, and then show you how you can also in the future operate online. If you prefer not to come to the center, we can also set up an appointment for you online as well. Please contact us at 619- 354-1069 or sandiegomeditation@gmail.com for more information.
Hours of Operation
Until further notice, the meditation center will remain open for our regular scheduled business hours:
10am-10pm Monday- Saturday
10am- 2pm Sundays
San Diego Meditation Preventative Measures:
We are doing our best to follow preventative measures as set forth by the CDC.
We have been disinfecting the center when people leave, which includes vacuuming and regularly disinfecting surfaces ( door knobs, door locks, door buzzer, doors, chairs, floors, light switches, countertops, all areas of the bathroom, etc.) with clorox disinfectant wipes.
Washing cushion covers and blankets after daily use.
Constant communication and staying updated about current protocols with our entire staff about best hygiene practices, including using hand sanitizer, washing hands often, and wearing a mask. All in efforts so that we provide a safe and clean meditation environment for people.
We also are providing hand sanitizer and masks while our supplies last.
Taking everyone’s temperature as soon as they come in the center, including staff. If there are any fevers, we recommend that meditation meditators and staff take the time off to get better.
Asking people who have traveled within the last two weeks to refrain from coming to the center. Keep the center well ventilated in aid to reduce the concentration of airborne germs.
Limiting group meditations, group events and interactions, and keeping a safe distance from each other to avoid the spreading of germs to each other.
Keeping Calm, Being Prepared and Moving Forward
It is understandable for our meditators, especially, to feel disappointment at this time to not be able to come to the meditation center as they normally would since many people consider this to be their second home and use it as a place to rest their mind. As stated in the news reports, we are not panicking over this pandemic, but merely trying to be prepared and keep the community as safe as possible. This is a stressful time for everyone in the world. Our goal is to keep a safe place for meditators to continue their practice in the face of adversity, and we take comfort in knowing that you will be the safest at home. Let’s continue meditating and practicing together remotely.
Questions or comments
Please let us know if you have any questions or comments at sandiegomeditation@gmail.com or call us at 619-354-1069.
Please also contact us at sandiegomeditation@gmail.com or 619-345-1069 to learn how to set up Zoom.com for online guided meditation sessions.
Source: CDC.gov