Written by: Lauren Guss, RN- San Diego Meditation Guide

This video really gets the point across and has really inspired me to take action to help others when I watched it at my nursing orientation at Holy Name Hospital in Teaneck, NJ. I remember immediately after watching it, I approached the staff member who shared it and told her I would like to introduce this meditation practice to Holy Name employees. It wasn’t long after that New Jersey Meditation became apart of Holy Name Hospitals Wellness Program for all employees. We also held weekly and monthly meetings for Holy Name’s Cancer Support Program. The results of putting a smile and hope in people’s hearts was very moving. Not to mention helping others to unload all the heavy burden they had been carrying for years!

Everyone in the world is struggling right now, no one is left out from this pandemic during this time. It is really a time for us to stop seeing from our own lenses, but to start to see from the lenses of others. We have to see what others are going through and dealing with and offer love and support whenever possible. For us at San Diego Meditation we work our same normal business hours operating 100% virtually and take serious action to help others heal and make a difference in the world, so we all can come out stronger. People need to learn how to cleanse their mind by admitting what they are holding onto (old beliefs, negativity, resentment, worries, anger, etc.) and facing it and finally letting it go. I know the Truth is a hard pill to swallow, but regret is even worse.

I feel really fortunate in a sense to have seen the fragility of human life from a young age. With a mother who had me with the progressive-remitting MS and my father having a major heart attack when I was 5 years old; I questioned life and death a lot and the reason and purpose of human existence.

I had a lot of fear of death from a young age, even though I was told I go to heaven after I die. I never felt Heaven or seen Heaven, so I always wondered how could I know it for sure. I remember as a young girl with a Christian upbringing, being “saved”. My mothers friend sat me down, read me a few bible verses and then told me to ask God to forgive my sins; and then added I would be able to go to Heaven after I died if my sins were washed away. She kept telling me to believe, but I felt nothing within me change and my mind remained the same.

I actually grew to be atheist and in a sense that was worse for myself because I didn’t believe in anything other than my own power. I would say that was the lowest point of my life.

It took a few good heated arguments and deteriorating health to realize that I needed to change internally. I had so much anger, anxiety, and sadness within me that I truly disliked myself and who I had become.

I cracked down and had done some of my own research: How to change my thoughts?, what my dreams mean?, how to improve my physical and mental health?… I practiced other forms of meditation, tried yoga, changed my diet for a better mind state….nothing actually worked and really just left me feeling more frustrated and confused. Plus my habits and behaviors remained the same.

Then I came across this meditation at my University, and they mentioned there was an actual method or a way to cleanse your mind and you could confirm your mind being cleansed within yourself! My eyes almost popped out when I heard this, haha! I didn’t really pay attention to everything at the meditation seminar but when they mentioned there was an actual method it was if I knew this was it within myself. It was really all I had been searching for, it was the missing puzzle piece for me and also confirmed why everything else didn’t work… there was no method.

When I first enlightened to the universe, it was shocking that it had even happened. I remember thinking “Wow, it’s actually possible!” This never ending infinite universe became my mind. I remember thinking, “The whole world should know about this!”. Whether you want to look at the universe as God, Buddha, Allah (it’s all the same primarily) that is the existence that I became one with. It was just light and energy itself.

I cried tears of joy and rejoiced that I had found the Truth! I found all the answers to my lifelong questions within moments! I knew at that time I had to share it with the world. I no longer had my burdens or sins if you want to call it that. I was cleansed.

It was no easy feat to get where I am now because I really had to take a look at myself and my actions, but it was the most precious and rewarding road I have ever traveled, because it led me to everlasting life. I now know that true belief is in becoming and not just following blindly and taking in words of Truth, but being one with the universe fully.

I was never able to see or even admit that I had lived self-centered, until I could see outside of myself through this practice. I really only lived for my own benefit, because I lived in the world of myself, my own little mind world. Now after coming out into the world and reaching true paradise, I just want to help others to let go of the heavy burdens in their minds and reach true paradise too.

I really feel for the people in this video as human life is not even truly living. I hope everyone can cleanse their minds and become their true selves fully. It just starts with one foot in the right direction, and the willingness to try.

To always be happy, to always have the universe exist within my mind is like a dream come true that nothing material could even compare too. To no longer have any burden in my mind regardless of condition, to feel this utmost peace and contentment is really immeasurable! To know the principles of the world, understand the Bible and Buddhist sutras fascinates me every day. To know where people come from?, why we live?, and where we go after we die?, to find Heaven and Paradise within my mind has been the most ultimate blessing I only wish for others to experience. I can now say I no longer have fear of death because through this method I enlightened, there is no coming or going and paradise already exists within me.

It is my hope that we all can become one mind and body through this study and really live complete and whole, and find the Universe that exists within our minds. When you heal yourself, then we can help others.