The image above depicts a Korean Fable that many people can compare to this current quarantine/ COVID-19 pandemic. This fable has been used for many years within our meditation practice to help meditators overcome their internal battles, “when the going gets tough”.
This fable is about a tiger and a bear that both desperately wanted to become a human. So they ardently prayed to God to become a human. God said, if they could endure 100 days of eating mugwort and garlic in a cave without leaving, then they could become humans. The tiger and the bear both went into the cave with only garlic and mugwort in hopes that they would become a human. The tiger halfway through couldn’t take it anymore and left the cave, leaving his wish to become a human behind. The bear also wanted to leave after seeing his friend Tiger depart, but he remembered what God had promised and patiently endured the 100 days. Afterwards, he became a human as God had promised.
During this pandemic, you may have noticed deeper attachments to things arise such as: money, love, fame, future, materialistic desires. Also, hiding minds like pride, inferiority, habits, worries, sadness, anger, etc. These attachments and hiding minds have always been within us, but buried deep and ignored from our daily routines and busy lives. With nowhere to go, it is only inevitable that we are all facing our own internal battles and can feel what it means to be in the grave of our minds.
Through our meditation, we are letting go of our attachments and confining thoughts, but it is no easy feat to overcome one’s self or mind. Many people compare it to a camel going through the eye of a needle. People can very easily want to give up because it seems at that time one can only handle that much. This is one of the most tricky of mind battles to overcome.
The bear in this fable teaches us that we can always endure a little bit more, even though we may feel it is difficult to continue or just too much. We can endure even more easily if we have a goal and a destination worthy of getting to.
Although, the tiger thought it was winning by following it’s greed and desire, and ultimately giving up… in the end he had lost, not even knowing what he had missed out on.
Our destination to reach the True world is incomparable and millions of times more beautiful than the ending of this fable even describes. To have Heaven, Paradise, the Universe… within your mind is such an incomparable happiness, that it almost feels like a dream! It is also very achievable as many people have already reached this state.
This fable has so many great principles to live by.
Let’s all have patience, perseverance, dedication, and a humble mindset like the bear! There is always light at the end of the tunnel. You have probably heard that Heaven, Paradise, the Universe exists within your mind, but right now man does not have the real universe within him, but the fake one of false images or picture scraps. So we must diligently cleanse our minds at this time to find our True Self, and to have Heaven and Paradise exist within us always.
With our meditation, we can rise from the grave of our minds. Our minds are like graves or a prison in which we can not escape, but only keep reliving. This is also the same as karma and sin and hell. By cleansing our minds, which is sin and karma; we can be reborn as Truth and have Heaven, Paradise, the Universe exist within our minds always. It is the age where it is being accomplished and is achievable!
As one follows our meditation method, one feels lighter, happier, more at peace, even the face brightens up drastically! It’s as if the light that was dimmed by one’s false, egotistical mind starts to be revealed from the inside out! With a meditation practice that has a proven method with results, friends and families practicing together, inclusion of all people, plus a meditation guide who has completed the process already to help you on your journey to reaching complete nirvana and paradise… you will never lose your way. Let’s do it together! Start the challenge of cleansing your mind today! Be the bear.

Excerpt from “Stop Living In This Land, Go To The Everlasting World of Happiness Live There Forever” “My Will”
“With the title of do-in, I awaken people. I cannot describe the joy I felt when after many nights meditating together till dawn, those countless people, who laughed and cried within their fifty thousand agonies, enlightened to the Truth. I had also felt happy when I escaped from the grave and came out into the world, but I had more joy in their enlightenment than I had in my own, which was boundless each time a person’s consciousness changes from falseness to Truth. It was the first time in the world people were truly becoming enlightened, and as the founder, the fact that people were actually achieving Truth was tremendously moving. People’s fifty thousand agonies decreased as they moved up through the levels, but there were those who tried to achieve Truth inside the framework of their selves, which is something man grimly holds onto until the end. Those whose false selves tried to enlighten to the Truth, were unable to ignore their false selves or progress further and ultimately did not achieve Truth. However, those who were like bears and did not give up, those who were constant and had thankful hearts are still meditating and are close to completion. I started teaching Truth in my mid-forties, but now my hair has turned grey and my youth and energy have vanished. I am entering into old age; I am becoming a wrinkled grandpa, with grey hair and ground-down teeth. My body does not move as I will it to, as it did in my youth. The world is wide, but I am living a human life with only seventy to eighty years, and there is so much left to do in the world. So regardless of whether it is day or night all my time is dedicated to teaching people Truth. My mind is busy, so busy, with the constant thought that people all over the world must be awakened; and I am waiting and waiting for the day when all people have become complete, and all people are able to live. It is my hope that before I die, Truth will be spread all over the world and everyone will be resurrected as Truth. I pity people who live and die without meaning or purpose; it is heartbreaking. It is my will to work hard so that even one more person may live.”
-Teacher Woo Myung
Source: Korea.net, “Stop Living in This Land Go to The Everlasting World of Happiness, Live There Forever”, wisdomwebzine.org