After watching this movie, many people can see the beauty behind “less is more” for sure. However, with the life that most people lead and how we were conditioned to think many people are constantly seeking outside gratification and accumulating “things” and bragging about the “things” they have, while at the same time feeling empty inside or never satisfied.
I think the biggest takeaway from this documentary was that we should “use things and love people.” It definitely shouldn’t be the other way around. The majority of our lives we spend eating, sleeping, working and hitting the repeat button. But what exists outside of that?
To know this, one must be willing to let go of attachments. Letting go of attachments to both people and things is crucial to mental and physical health.
Through our meditation one can just be at work and just thinking about the work, and while at home just thinking about relaxing at home instead of what one’s work day was like. By letting go of attachments (which are merely just the images inside of our minds) through this meditation method you will still have your job and you will still have your family, what disappears is simply the emotional attachment. Some people wonder, well isn’t attachment to people good? “If I throw away my attachment will I love that person less?” What you are doing is simply releasing that person, and really freeing up space for that person. In the end it is a true act of love. You may have heard the saying is you love a flower don’t pick it up. To possess something will only cause suffering and burden. Also, you will not love that person any less but actually more because you are not in the relationship for selfish reasons and have more deep appreciation for that person.
Through the practice of meditation you can easily let go of attachments to both things and people. Some people don’t clearly understand the power of letting go of attachments because they have a fear of letting go, which in the end is what is blocking them and only hurting them and others. It’s natural to feel this way because it is not something we are familiar with and what we are not familiar with we are usually scared of doing. Just like anything in life. The thing is we don’t necessarily have to throw anything away in the reality but throw away the attachment in our mind. Because that in itself is what causes the the suffering in the first place.
Imagine you have a really strong attachment to a thing or person. You are unwilling to let it go because it is your everything. However, everything that is material is transient and by holding onto it in one’s mind you are creating the unrealistic expectation that it will always be there.
Human life is like a bubble. It is so temporary and transient, but because we are not designed to think of such things we often get stuck in our heads following our desires and attachments.
The beauty of letting go and living more simply will liberate you and ultimately improve your life overall.
If you are looking for a great documentary to watch and you have an open mind, please check out Minimalism.