San Diego Meditation Health
San Diego Meditation Health- Jina Kim, MD Shares With Us and Other Healthcare Workers Her View on The COVID-19 Pandemic
Jina Kim, MD shares with us and other healthcare workers her view on the COVID-19 pandemic…
Jina Kim, MD shares with us and other healthcare workers her view on the COVID-19 pandemic…
Releasing exercises video with an explanation of its benefits by Jina Kim, MD…
We understand the worry, fear, disappointment, and frustration (to name a few) in regards to this state of emergency. We encourage our meditators to continue to practicing meditation diligently…
Our updates and changes made inside of the center in regards to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
“Do you have eczema?”
“Yes, and it is severe”.
People may not know the fact that I used to have eczema until I tell them…